Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A Loving Tribute to a Special Lady

Feel like sharing this with you... This reply is directed as much to Vicki Thorn as it is for a man's testimony. She came to our Respect Life Banquet on 1/31 at Holy Family Church in Rockford, IL as a featured guest speaker. Her words throughout the speech were, are, and will always be very powerful, touching the masses. That said, there is one thing which I elaborate further upon in the subsequent paragraphs, that she said that has stuck to me like a magnet. When I wrote these words, I began to cry unlike I have done in a very long time. I believe that her words were a form of beautiful healing.

I emphasize that I have never had a relationship with another lady, but this testimony is more based on a fear of the unknown. Her words piecred my heart like a straight arrow in the night when she was talking about how abortions took place back around when my granddad and my parents were born. I understand the fact that evil exists, but that being said, I know with faith in Jesus that we are stronger than our frail bodies will ever be. God's timing could not have been more perfect for me. I was an epileptic with uncontrollable seizures, as medicine never controlled or stopped them. Also, I had pretty severe stuttering and so I received God's grace by having this corrected. I have received physical healing many times and am so blessed for that.

However, what I do believe where Vicki has made the most impact, as I described above, is I'm so very thankful that I was born when I was instead of when my parents/grandparents were, as I fear that I would be society roadkill. I know my parents would never be subjected to that type of decision, so this is not about that. But as the fear of the unknown, thinking back that long (100 years or so), I may have been born, but really who would have wanted me? I just cannot imagine the pain, emotional and mental that would've been with me if that was the case. I know every generation has loving parents. That is not why I write this. But what if I was in the wrong hands, and they thought I was imperfect? Just because of seizures, as epileptics are passed over for mental issues far too often.

I probably will always have this hole in my life (which is extremely real, even though they are perceived thoughts on how my life would have been different), so I will probably always need for myself, to at least cope with this type of situation. But, it saddens me that people, far too many, just don't know how valuable a human life is, let alone the priceless gift of holding a newborn.

I write this because it is a testimony to Vicki's beautiful work that she was granted the gift from God to carry out the mission that she has for pretty much my entire life. I am blessed very much to know that she is an advocate, seemingly and perceptively powerful voice that we need more of. For that, we are extremely and infinitely appreciative of her tireless work.

So Dear Lord, I pray that you show your face to us each breath we take, as life this day is no less or more valuable than the last in and of itself. Other things may be priceless, whether big or small (be it a bird chirping, seeing the sunset in Hawaii, marraige, and so on). But the top two are the gift of life and you infusing my life with a multitude of blessings through your healing touch. I thank you for the gifts that you gave me, even to the point of entering this world when I did. I may not feel compelled each and every day to discuss the sensitivity of how my life could have been different, but if it was not for accepting you, Jesus, as Lord and Savior, I just don't think I would have the strength to live each day, let alone defy the belief of society that says, hey, your life is worth this much (kind of like what slavery may have been back in the day) instead of being worth more than the finest bar of gold that there would be. Therefore, in closing, in despair, you give me hope. In hurting, you comfort. In grief, you love. As humans, I cannot comprehend the level of love you have, but it's all encompassing, and very powerful. I cried many tears today thinking of this very fact, Lord. Thank you for all the reassurances you have given me, and to use Vicki as a leading voice, a beautiful ray of hope that she is. She is definitely an instrument that has done thy holy will, because she accepted your calling via the nudge from the Holy Spirit. Words cannot express my thanks and gratitude that I have to find out this was as prevelent as it was, and still is pre and post Roe v. Wade. This is a grave religious, social and moral injustice, as we, as part of God's Army, need to stand in peace and show society that there is no place whatsoever under your authority for this behavior. Please shine your light, the booming, humungous beams of light, down into our soul, now and forevermore. Amen, Alleluia, the Savior Reigns. Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, Out Lady of Guadelupe, St. Michael, and all of the other Saints, Archangels, Angels, and Spiritual Brothers and Sisters, please lift me up and pray for me always.

And to you Vicki, God Bless You and Your Work on this all important mission.

With Love, Through Christ,

John Fayhee

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